Thursday, September 22, 2011

Review of Blog Views.

Blogger changed a little while ago, and now it is really easy to see how many views each post gets.  I strongly believe that this data was available before, but it would have required some sort of effort and expertise to find.  This data is not entirely accurate.  There are quite a number of posts recorded as having zero views, which seems odd since I am certain that at least two people have read every post.  I think this is because people "save up" their reading of the blog and read multiple posts at the same time.

So, most posts get between zero and ten views.  My estimate is that eighty percent of posts fall into this category.  These posts are the ones viewed by friends and family, catching up and mildly interested in what I am thinking.  There are then a few posts that get into the thirties or even forties, and I believe these must be posts either promoted by one of my friends or family to read, but more likely simply the result of a Google search by a tiny proportion of internet users.

In reverse order, the top five viewed posts.

#5  It's Not Fair!  56 views.  I attribute this post's popularity to the title, and the ubiquitous nature of on-line moaning and complaining.

#4  How to Write an Irish Song.  61 views.  I attribute the popularity of this post to it being instructional for the 150 people on the planet trying to work out how to write an Irish song.

#3  Critical Thinking, Reason, and Logic.  66 views.  I attribute the popularity of this blog to people having to write papers on philosophy and logic.  Although it wasn't available while I was in high school or college, I imagine a fantastic method of writing papers is to look on-line for blog posts and articles about your subject and then pretty much just copying them.  because of the vast amount of material on the internet your chances of being caught approach zero.  However, I do think this is one of my better posts.

#2  Genuine People.  382 views.  On this one I have no idea at all.  I'm simply baffled.

#1  Suicide Letter.  417 views.  I'm pretty sure this was "popular" because it was the only place where many, many people who knew Scott could read his letter.  I posted it because I could see how it helped people who knew him to cope, and also because in the letter he wished people to know what he thought and so make the world better.

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