Saturday, June 9, 2012


Did you know that if right wing people contribute lots of money to elections democracy is dead?

Did you know that there are certain chemicals that are present in your drinking water that can alter your mind or poison you?

Did you know that there are organized groups within the USA who are dedicated to the overthrow of the government to replace it with a fascist/theocratic/communist state?

Are you aware that environmental pressures can reduce human populations to less than 10,000 individuals on the entire planet?

Do these things terrify you?

Have you considered looking things up?

Seriously, go look things up.  Obama has more money than Romney, there's chlorine in drinking water, there's the KKK, and the US Communist Party, genetic studies show that the entire (modern) human race went through a bottleneck of less than 10,000 people tens of thousands of years ago.

Not one of those things will affect you in any manner at any time.

Just please take the time to fucking find things out before being a propaganda tool without a mind of your own.


Anonymous said...

Yes! Yes, yes, yes, yes! Do your own research, don't let the man on the screen tell you what to think. There may be reasons to panic (I generally think there are only a few reasons to panic), but it's probably not for the reasons they say on TV.


Unknown said...

I believe you because you're on the Internets! (Trying (and failing) to keep a straight face)