Monday, December 15, 2014

A Calendar of Change

I have now lived in Charlotte for four months.  Here is why I like it better than Houston.

A typical week in Houston.

Mon - hang out at home
Tue - hang out at home
Wed - hang out at home
Thu - go to local bar and hang out with 1-3 senior citizens
Fri - hang out at home
Sat - hang out athome
Sun - lunch and beer at a bar

Total number of people other than my wife or I am paying for something, on average, two

A typical week in Charlotte

Mon - hang out at home
Tue - band practice
Wed - hang out at home
Thu - dinner out
Fri - invited out to watch a band
Sat - meet a huge array of people, some of them I know
Sun - take TFOE to The Dog Bar, he and I meet people, some of them people I know.

Total number of people other than my wife or I am paying for something, on average, twenty?

All of this within a ten minute walk from my house.  I haven't driven to an event in at least three weeks.

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