Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Random Blather

The Face of Evil's back legs don't work. He ruptured one ligament in a back knee, has received surgery and is recovering. While recovering he "tweaked" the same ligament in the other knee. This means he has to stay home and get almost no exercise, making him a sad puppy. Him being a sad puppy is a little sad, but on the other hand it does make him less work and I have been particularly cheerful for the last couple of days.

At the moment in the south there is much terror about President Obama's plans to turn the USA in a socialist country. People are literally afraid of what is happening to their beloved homeland, but when I comment that the worst case scenario is Denmark for the USA they stop commenting on their terror and talk about other things. It turns out that Americans really are a nation of ideologues, supporting theories regardless of the facts. The Cold War was a battle about ideologies, and the USA version won, but meanwhile a compromise snuck into being in Europe taking the best bits of one thought and the best bits of other thoughts. It's going to be hard for some Americans to have won the ideological war of the twentieth century and then have to change their system a little almost immediately after.

It's odd writing these blog posts. The last comment was over a month ago so it's almost as though I'm talking to myself. I hear through third party information that people sometimes read these things, but maybe that is lessening over time. I do know I've told my own mother at least five times about this blog, but I think she hasn't noticed me telling her. People pay attention to what interests them, and me being thousands of miles away from anyone I knew lessens my interest to people. Last weekend I went back to Portland for a wedding and was struck by the very few numbers of people I had known in Portland who were there. I was more worried going into the event of awkward moments and people avoiding me, but what I found was that apart from the married couple I knew two people, who were both very pleasant and both had been living lives apart from mine for years.


Jim. King said...

Why do you keep a blog? Do you write to clarify your own thoughts? To provide others with insight to your thinking? To record? To have a dialog? Other reasons?

If you write to clarify, provide insight, and/or record; comments are superfluous. If your seek dialog, then you rightfully blame laziness on your audience.

Dan Binmore said...

Thanks Jim, the original intent in writing a blog was to get in the practice of writing regularly at the suggestion of Christina. The second intent was to inform people about who I am, what I think and what's going on in my life. This is particularly for my family in England, since we are not a particularly communicative lot. Writing the blog has not actually led to me writing more in general, but people had expressed interest in my ideas. I like expressing my ideas, particularly when it interests others.

I absolutely see no duty for others to respond or comment. I don't think anyone has to read my blog or comment. It's just that comments let me know that what I am writing is being read. I think these sort of things independently all the time, the blog does not produce or clarify them, I just think like this as naturally as walking. If no-one reads the blog, it becomes pointless.

jogee said...

Hi Dan, Mum does know about your blog - I know because I told her about it ages ago - I found it because I google everyone (I know sad isnt it!!) Although our opinions on life are poles apart I always enjoy reading your blogs every couple of months or so and finding out whats going on in your life, so carry on bloggin dude!! Joanna xx