Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Hey Look At Me!

It's impolite to impress ones needed mental state on others.  Therefore this post.

I don't feel that bad, really.  I'm more concerned about my wife than I am about myself.

However, I have lost interest in eating food.

I don't really want to do anything.

It took me three minutes to write this line.

I am finding that drinking and smoking pot are mostly what makes me enjoy my situation, and so I do that regularly.

My "sister" (hah!  Hugs 'n shit) called me up because she was worried, like an angel, and I was fascinating and helpful.

These are not good signs.  That's a list of classic symptoms.  But I really don't feel that bad.

a mystery.

The conclusion?


One hour later I'm eating a delicious burrito.  So ignore all of that.

Sunday, August 10, 2014

Kicking Chihuahuas

I would like to start off this post with the important fact that even while I have had the opportunity and motive to kick a chihuahua, I have not done so.  I do not intend to kick a chihuahua in the future.

Today I imagined kicking a chihuahua.  I don't mean that I just had a thought of kicking a chihuahua, I really imagined it.  I felt the curve of my foot, keeping the arch stiff, so that your laces drive through the chihuahua, rather than having the energy dissipated through a dampened foot.

I imagined making sure I kept my head down, and over the chihuahua, with a good extension and hip rotation balanced by my left arm's extension and rotation.

I imagined the crunching, flopping failure of the structural integrity of the chihuahua.

The chihuahua is a sort of fawn colour, nice and shiny.

Chihuahuas have no good quality.

They are evil doers.