Tuesday, October 30, 2012

I Don't Want To Live In....

...A housing association.  Where people are paid to come around so that they can tell you how you have to have your house look, and will fine you (with authority to put a lien on your house) if you don't comply.  If I want to paint my house purple and put out an art installation featuring three urinals I think I should be able to do so.  it is my house.

...A place with a neighborhood watch program.  Look, I have no problem with neighbors looking out for each other to stop crime, I've done it myself.  But I find it creepy that people would get together and roam the streets of their neighborhood looking for crime.  For a start it demonstrates an attitude that is rooted in fear.  Secondly it encourages people to go around, spy on their neighbors and disapprove of people.  You should be able to be a young man in a hoodie walking around someone else's neighborhood without being subject to organized suspicion.

...A gated community.  A place that inherently thinks it is better than the surrounding areas and so frightened of it that it puts up walls to exclude the rest of humanity from contact with them.  This is one of the problems today, wealthy people live lives entirely removed from the experiences of most people and yet have enormous power to affect the experiences of poor people.  A community based on arrogance, superiority, ignorance, disgust and fear.

...A housing estate/project.  This is an area in which all the people poor enough to be unable to pay for housing are concentrated.  Again separating out segments of society.  If you want to produce a group of people without hope, education, prospects of advancement and prone to crime, pack them all together and away from everyone else.  These places are gardens of misery, and I don't want to live in misery.


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