Thursday, November 10, 2011

Chapter 4

iNews Update

11/9/2049  -  Shenzen, China

Scientists have announced in today's iScience the first complete electronic reconstruction of a human brain.  Dr. Hsia Hsu, Head of the J.P. Morgan Institute for Information Technologies located in China's Guandong province announced that the state of the art Archimedes hyper computer, in tandem with deep-drilling magnetic resonance imaging, had produced a faithful reproduction of a human brain in digital form.

Dr. Hsia hailed this breakthrough as, "Possibly the most important scientific achievement in biology since the mapping of the human genome."

When asked whether the reproduction could think and feel, Dr. Hsia responded, "At present the brain reproduction is inactive.  It is essentially frozen in a single moment.  We believe that should appropriate input and energy be provided the brain would function in the same manner as a biological brain, otherwise it would not be a true reproduction of a brain.  However, at this stage we believe there are grave ethical issues that must be addressed before we would feel comfortable in waking the reproduction.  Imagine waking up to the realization that while you feel entirely human, you are in fact a computer simulation.  This is particularly problematic for me because the brain in question is mine."

J.P Morgan reports that at present the brain reproduction will be used to model potential new technologies, such as a telepathic communications app for the upcoming iBorg cranial personal assistant.

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