Thursday, May 15, 2008

Are we there yet?

If you are like me, and essentially human, I bet you spend lots of time making plans that once completed will make everything alright. "Once I get this done I'll be able to relax." "Just six more months and I'll have things worked out." "I'll pay this debt off, get that promotion, put a little money away and then I'll be set." But think about it, how much time do you spend not at the point you are trying to get to compared to being at the point you are trying to get to? I'm willing to bet you spend more time trying to get somewhere than being at your destination.
I think many of us deliberately delay contentment, a sense of satisfaction, in order to reach for something else. The grass is always greener on the other side of the fence. What seemed wealthy becomes ordinary once you get there. What seemed like heaven could be just perfect if we could just have a little bit more. What I am trying to work on personally is being where I am, and being content with it. Where I am is great, and trying to make it greater I think takes away from this moment. Our life is simply a collection of moments, one after the other, and I would like to have as many of those moments be fixed in a foundation of contentment as possible.
Now, this doesn't mean that I can't grow, try, improve, and learn. What it means is that the growing, trying, improving, and learning are part of the place in which I am content, rather than the steps I need to take to be content.
Someday might well be now, it certainly wouldn't hurt to tak a moment and check.

1 comment:

Dade Cariaga said...

Wow, Dan! I was just thinking about writing a post along the same line.

I'm in 100% agreement. One has to find a balance between planning for and working toward the future and enjoying the moment that one is in.

Tomorrow may never come, as we both know. But, if it does, one doesn't want to be caught holding a bag of shit either.